Contratación del suministro de dos stands para la LXXXIII Feria Internacional de Valladolid y para la XXI Feria Internacional del Turismo de Interior 2017

Contratación suministro dos stands para la LXXXIII Feria Internacional de Valladolid y la XXI Feria INTUR 2017

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Date Content Document Downloads Validations
31/05/2017 11:55 Pliegos acredita_1705311155.pdf (39 KB ) Sign and time stamp Sign and time stamp
16/06/2017 09:49 Evaluación de ofertas acredita_1706160949.pdf (39 KB ) Sign and time stamp Sign and time stamp
24/07/2017 14:44 Adjudicación acredita_1707241444.pdf (41 KB ) Sign and time stamp Sign and time stamp
30/08/2017 15:08 Formalizado acredita_1708301508.pdf (41 KB ) Sign and time stamp Sign and time stamp